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Susan Moore and Laura McCrary
I hosted a special edition of Top Docs Radio with MAG this week, to talk about healthcare information exchanges with MAG’s Susan Moore, and Laura McCrary, SVP of KaMMCO Health Solutions (KHS) and the executive director of the Kansas Health Information Network, Inc. (KHIN).
KHIN is a non-profit organization that provides health information exchange technology services to over 1,350 health care organizations throughout Kansas. KHS incorporates the KHIN formula for success with the valuable lessons learned and provides health exchange information and analytics services to physician-led organizations across the nation. Laura has been instrumental in developing the new HealtheParadigm health information network that is available in Georgia.
Susan Moore is the Medical Association of Georgia’s Director of Third Party Payer and Health Policy. She will serve as MAG’s primary contact for HealtheParadigm.
MAG and KaMMCO Health Solutions (KHS) have established a partnership that is called HealtheParadigm that is transforming the state’s health care system with a health IT solution that enables physicians to generate sophisticated patient data reports that they can use to improve outcomes and fulfill the new quality-based payer metrics.
It features a private, statewide health information network that participating physicians can use to share key patient data. HealtheParadigm will appeal to a lot of physicians and other health care providers who have remained on the sidelines because they haven’t found the right ‘fit’ given the options that are currently available in Georgia.
With the new alternative payment models that have been developed by CMS as a result of federal law – including the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and a number of Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) – it is imperative for physicians to be able to secure and submit the data they need to demonstrate they are delivering quality care.
Physicians who participate in the HealtheParadigm network will have access to actionable, real time data and meaningful reports which can help identify high-risk patients and chronic disease populations and improve patient outcomes through enhanced care coordination. Physicians have indicated they want a proven technology for connectivity that also delivers actionable intelligence while also providing patients with access to their own health data.
This new suite of health information tools not only provides physicians with seamless, real-time access to their patient’s full longitudinal medical record at the point of care but also prepares them for the transition to the MACRA/MIPS alternative payment models. MAG has established a HealtheParadigm advisory committee that consists of physicians and MAG’s executive director, Donald J. Palmisano Jr.
Physicians can contact Susan Moore with MAG at smoore@mag.org or 678-303- 9275 for details on how to begin using HealtheParadigm.
Special Guests:
Susan Moore, Director of Third Party Payer and Health Policy, Medical Association of Georgia

Laura McCrary, EVP, KaMMCO Health Solutions 
Executive Director, Kansas Health Information Network